While it may seem like I know what I’m doing, I don’t claim to be an expert in anything. I’m a half decent mechanic but some of my methods are probably frowned upon by people who do it for a living. I like photography but I don’t know a whole lot about it. I like to think I’m a big deal in the world of vintage computing but there are other people with far more knowledge.
I spend most of my time doing day trips across BC highways, finding new places to explore, attempting to expand my photography and video skills, producing vintage computing videos, maintaining my vintage computing collection and related online resources. I have an interest in filmmaking and cinematography, and I also work as a freelance voice actor. I publish my content to various online platforms.
My Work
I have a heavy background in Information Technology, also with a number of years in retail and inside sales. I also have experience operating some heavy machinery. I joined a dot-com startup out of high school, primarily working with online promotion and marketing of the site. I have been managing numerous Linux/BSD based systems for over a decade, and I now work in a high security Internet datacenter with a focus on cloud computing and various other enterprise level solutions.
My Projects
I am most well known for creating and maintaining the Higher Intellect project which currently hosts over 750,000 documents and images on a large variety of subjects. The project has been in operation since 2001 and continues to grow. A more recent priority has been the Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki which I’ve been using to dump mostly vintage computing related data, but I will also include other materials mostly from 1980-2005 era. I do also keep a few smaller sites running including OMGWTFBBQ and netfreak music.
My Online Profiles
- https://www.instagram.com/pauls_crap/ – Instagram profile specifically for vintage computing
- https://www.instagram.com/paul.lezica/ – Instagram profile for road trips, hiking, some photography
- https://www.flickr.com/people/192055318@N05/ – Flickr profile for photography
- https://wiki.preterhuman.net/Pauls_Old_Crap – Wiki page for my vintage computing videos