August 30, 2019 – Skagit River Trail

This is a trail I had originally planned on checking out in 2018 but Skagit Valley Provincial Park was apparently mostly closed due to fires. This trail starts at the Sumallo Grove parking area in Manning Park off Highway 3. I believe once you cross the first bridge you’re passing the Manning Park to Skagit Valley Park border. The trail is pretty easy going up to the Delacy campsite area, and as you continue on there is some elevation change and slightly rougher areas. I spent a total of 6 hours on the trail but I’m not too sure how far down I made it as I would need cell service to check my map.

It ended up being a warm and sunny day but this trail has a good amount of tree coverage. Unfortunately this also meant my camera didn’t like the amount of light without increasing the ISO or shooting on the tripod. I think I also need another ND filter that isn’t as dark as my 10-stop for trips like this.